“Incorrigible Mascarade” exhibition

“Incorrigible Mascarade” November 4th – 28th 2023 @ Éclectique, Marseille, France. Voilà donc ça s’appelle « Incorrigible Mascarade » et c’est une exposition de collages réalisés à la main par G.Sif à l’aide de papier (souvent glané), de colle (parfois maison)...


Four new collages. From the series « Puéril, manipulateur et matérialiste » (Childish, manipulative and materialistic). Produced during a DIY residency in Istanbul. September 2023. Magazine, newspaper, white paper and water color, A6 format (10,5×14,8cm /...

“de l’ignorantsia” exhibition

“de l’ignorantsia” May 26th – June 2nd 2023 @ Disparate, Bordeaux, France. À propos de l’exposition : Bonzi Wells est l’un des multiples noms d’emprunt réunis au sein de LPM, un projet polymorphe dédié aux expérimentations graphiques et musicales. « de...

Residency @ Disparate

New series of handmade collages produced during a residency at Disparate, Bordeaux, FRANCE. May 2023. First series: black paper painted with white and pink window marker glued on recycled vintage magazine paper, A7 format (7.4×10.5 cm · 2.9×4.1 in). Second series:...


New series! A series of four handmade mini collages produced during a DIY residency in Saint-Jean-des-Ollières, Auvergne, in the French countryside. May 2023. Blank white paper and white paper painted with green and blue watercolor, cut and glued on painted white...

My Own Little Residency

New collages! New handmade collages produced during a short road trip between Montpellier and Brittany through Basque Country, FRANCE. March and April 2023. Paper recycled from vintage Italian magazines glued on colored paper, A4 and (mainly) A6...